Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rushing into G-TOUR II?

"Now look what you've done!!" Pam Arlt, Martin Arlt, Ruth Lees, J.D. Lees, and Brett relax in the G-TOUR hotel lobby in Nagoya, Japan.

G-TOUR II is now in the history books, although some tourists will stay in Japan for several more days. After meeting up with the group in Nagoya last night, I learned that the tour as a whole was a smashing success by all accounts. In fact, all the veterans of the first G-TOUR rated this one higher than the original.

Contrary to what others have said, G-TOUR II was anything but "rushed."

There's no word on a G-TOUR III at this point, but with the success of the tour's sequel, it would seem like a sure bet. Keep your eyes on G-FAN magazine for any official announcement.

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