Friday, July 26, 2024

Gina Gershon and the Godzilla Series

In the latest edition of Criterion's "Closet Picks" series, actress Gina Gershon (Showgirls, Bound, The Insider) makes her selections, and at about the 2:35 mark in the video above Ms. Gershon chooses Criterion's Showa-era Godzilla Blu-ray set and offers the following comments:
I saw this, and I freaked out because I love Godzilla; I do. I'm just gonna say it -- I love Godzilla. [holds up the Showa Godzilla Blu-ray set] Look at this. Now these have all the originals, right? This is one of the greatest scores of all time, I think. It's one of my favorite scores -- you know, dun dun duuunnn . . . [does the Godzilla theme]

When I have to get going in the morning, I listen to the theme of Godzilla [laughs], and I love this. Thank you so much. [looks at the Blu-ray set cover] This is a great graphic. Whoever did this, you're a genius.

It's pretty fun to think that Gina Gershon has a Blu-ray of Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973) at home, but at this point I'm sure a lot more people than you'd expect do, too.

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