Friday, June 14, 2024

Director Alex Cox Announces His Last Film

Photo © Alex Cox.

Film director Alex Cox, the brains behind the '80s classics Repo Man (1984), Sid and Nancy (1986), and Walker (1987), has launched a crowdfunding effort in order to finance what the director has described as his "last hurrah."

The movie in question will be an adaptation of Dead Souls. What is Dead Souls, you ask? Here's Alex Cox himself to fill you in:

My "last movie" is a Western version of Nicolai Gogol's "Dead Souls". This is a great book, full of irony, mystery and meaning. I plan to shoot in two locations – Almería, Spain, and Tucson, Arizona. 

More details are contained on the project's Kickstarter page, so, if you're intrigued by the premise and/or are interested in being a part of film history, check it out and send some support his way.  

Readers of this blog ought to know that Alex Cox is a genuine fan of Japanese cinema and has even made a documentary about Akira Kurosawa. A few years ago, I interviewed Mr. Cox about that documentary (as well as 2017's Tombstone Rashomon, his Kurosawa-inspired Western). 

I look forward to seeing Dead Souls once it's finished. If you have a few bucks to spare, please consider making a pledge to Alex Cox's swan song.

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