Monday, May 13, 2024

REVISITING GODZILLA FANZINES FROM THE SEVENTIES! A New 'Japanese Giants' Compilation Promises to Bring Your Blood to a Boyle!


Bradford Grant Boyle, the second editor of the fanzine Japanese Giants after Stephen Mark Rainey gave up the reins, has just published a compilation of his '70s-era Godzilla 'zine output. This new tome is called Early Kaiju Fandom; Fanzines by Brad Boyle, and it features reproductions of Japanese Giants #2 through #4, as well as the Japanese Giants Fan Letter #1 through #10. There's also an appendix which, among other tidbits, features my interview with editor Brad Boyle.

I'm also proud to have been the very first person thanked at the beginning of the book, which is quite an honor for me. I'd like to take this opportunity to Bradford Grant Boyle for his friendship and support of my efforts with Vantage Point Interviews, which is greatly appreciated. Now let's support Bradford's work and order a copy of his new book today!

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