Sunday, March 31, 2019

Seeing a Dinner Show with an Old Favorite!

Yutaka Hayashi. Photo by Brett Homenick.

Last night, on Sunday, March 31, I went all the way out to Kisarazu, Chiba, to see a dinner show performed by Yutaka Hayashi and his band. The show took place at the Washington Hotel near the station, and it was a packed house. Other than Narita Airport, this was the farthest into Chiba I've ever been. It was certainly a new experience for me.

I hadn't seen Hayashi-san in almost exactly six years. I was quite eager to see him again after such a long time, so I was pleased when I was able to arrange ahead of time to visit him in the green room before the show.

The show itself was a lot of fun, featuring a mixture of '60s-era American and Japanese pop songs. Hayashi-san was great on the drums, and the lead singer could belt out those American oldies extremely well. Overall, it was a great night, but I spent a long time on the train!

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