Monday, July 20, 2020

Gene Bua's Gammera Recollections!

 Gene Bua (left) as he appears in Gammera the Invincible. 

In February 2008, I reached out to actor Gene Bua (1940-2012) about his role in the American version of Gammera the Invincible (1966). I intended to do a proper interview with him, but his wife, Toni Bull Bua (1946-2016), eventually replied to me with a summary of his Gammera memories. I really couldn't do much with it at the time (especially since Mr. Bua himself didn't write the response), but I recently gave her email another look and realized it would do just fine as a blog post. So Ms. Bua's message to me is reprinted below.

On February 20, 2008, Toni Bull Bua wrote:
Hi Brett-Finally got Gene cornered for a minute. I wish I had more exciting things to share but its been so long he doesn't remember that much. Just that he had fun. His agent at William Morris sent him up for it. He wasn't aware of the Japanese version of Gammera before filming. He commented that the director, Sandy Howard, did a fine job, for the that kind of film. The filming for his scenes took place in the heart of Manhattan, in two days time. He wishes to tell your [...] readers "Find your passion and joy in what you love to do most. Live your Dream." Thanks Brett, many blessings. Toni Bua for Gene Bua
And there you have it.

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