Tuesday, October 8, 2013

RETURN TO TOHO STUDIOS: Visiting the Famed Studio with Friends and Pros!

Akira Takarada and Bin Furuya lead the way for our small tour of Japan's greatest film studio.

October 6 saw Akira Takarada and Bin Furuya lead a tour for several G-fans (Butch Portillo, his fiancee Kari, totorom, and our friend Yasushi) at Toho Studios. Of course, the studio has changed a great deal over the years, and not much of the "old days" remains in place. However, given its history, Toho is one of the most exciting places for any Godzilla fan worth his salt to visit. We walked around most of the studio and got to go inside Studio 8 and photograph the interior. Overall, it was a wonderful afternoon, but I think we'd all agree that our hosts made the visit truly special.

Below are some of the highlights:

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